
Now More Than Ever

In today’s business environment having a trusted referral network is essential.


Now More Than Ever

In today’s business environment having a trusted referral network is essential.

A Proven Referral System

Our proven business referral system, coupled with bni onlinetm, is designed to help businesses work together to pass referral business, explore new opportunities and sharpen your business skills.Visiting a meeting is free and gives you the chance to meet several members of your local business community. These introductions could lead to new partners, customers or suppliers which can improve the value of your business.Join us on bni onlinetm. Get started by finding one of our local Chapters.
Visiting us with bni online™ is a great way to learn how a BNI membership can help your business grow.

Referral Marketing Works

Develops Referral Based Business

We aren’t the only ones that understand the importance of referral business:

“Referred-in customers have a 37% higher retention rate than other customers.” (source: Deloitte)

“The Lifetime Value of a referred customer is 25% higher than that of other customers”

Source: Chief Marketer

Cultivates Long-Standing Relationships

Why building a trusted “go-to” referral network can build your business

“70% of U.S. consumers say they trust brand and product recommendations from friends and family.”

Source: Forester Research, “How To Build Your Brand with Branded Content”

Improves your Business Skills

Lifelong Leaning has been one of our core values for more than 30 years

We know how important both personal and professional growth are to our members. Because of this, we provide our chapter members with the opportunity and resources to build their business and networking skills.

Your First Online Meeting

BNI India Online™ is a fantastic online meeting platform. It’s a simple and effective way to stay connected to your network from the comfort of your home or office. All it takes is a couple of mouse clicks.


Your first step is to find a local chapter and register for a meeting. We have over 9,000 chapters all over the world. The registration process is easy.


You will receive emails from the local chapter leadership with information about the meeting and a link to participate in an online meeting.


Visitors like you attend online chapter meetings all the time. Members are excited to meet youand make every effort to make the experience fun and productive for you. Think of it as an invitation to a fun party, with an agenda.


The only portion of the agenda you need toconcern yourself with now is introducingyourself. You’ll have a few seconds to giveyour name, your business, the problemsyou solve and your target customer. It’s that easy and is only a few mouse clicks away.


Remember to give your name at the end of your introduction as well to help members remember you when they have someone to refer.

Best Practices For A Successful Online Meeting


Utilize a high-quality headset and webcam

Most laptops now include the minimum requirementsHeadsets / microphones are necessary to prevent background noise, echos, and ensure adequate volume

Check your connection

Minimum suggested internet speeds are 20 mbs/download and 10 mbs/upload.

Dress the part

Treat this as you would an in-person meeting by dressing appropriately including your BNI badge and pin.

Stage a successful background

Present yourself from a professional environment free of distractionsForeground lighting with minimal background lighting ensures a visible face to the camera

Ensure webcam zoom is appropriate

Show their face and upper bodyPractice with a clockPresentations are only 30-60 seconds; ensure that you can convey all of your points quickly

Mute your microphone when not speaking

Minimize background noise by self- muting when not speaking, and un-muting only when you begin speaking.

Utilize a high-quality headset and webcam

Most laptops now include the minimum requirementsHeadsets / microphones are necessary to prevent background noise, echos, and ensure adequate volume

Check your connection

Minimum suggested internet speeds are 20 mbs/download and 10 mbs/upload.

Dress the part

Treat this as you would an in-person meeting by dressing appropriately including your BNI badge and pin.

Stage a successful background

Present yourself from a professional environment free of distractionsForeground lighting with minimal background lighting ensures a visible face to the camera

Ensure webcam zoom is appropriate

Show their face and upper bodyPractice with a clockPresentations are only 30-60 seconds; ensure that you can convey all of your points quickly

Mute your microphone when not speaking

Minimize background noise by self- muting when not speaking, and un-muting only when you begin speaking.